2021 Chick Deliveries

Argyle Feed Store chick deliveries begin in early February and run through April. We’ve listed the dates and types below for your convenience. Please note that these dates can change for a few reasons: the delivery from the hatchery may be delayed, or the hatch can be lower than normal. Before you head over, please call us to confirm delivery dates.

Arrival DateChick types in shipment
February 3, 2021Production Red Pullets, Rhode Island Pullets, Barred Rock Pullets, Black Australorp Pullets,
Buff Orpington Pullets, Sil Wyandotte Pullets, Easter Egger Pullets
February 26, 2021W/C Black Polish St. Runs
March 12, 2021Barred Cochin Pulllets, Buff Cochin Pullets, Cuckoo Marans Pullets, Gold Wyandotte Pullets,
Ancona Pullets, Red, Frizzle Cochin Bantam Sr., White Frizzle Cochin Bantam Sr.
March 26, 2021Spangled Russian Orloff Pullets, Blue Cochin Pullets, Welsummer Pullets, Indian Red Jungle FWL Pullets, Mottled Houdan St. Runs, White Crested Blue Pol St. Runs, Black Silkie Bantam Sr., Blue Silkie Bantam Sr., Red Silkie Bantam Sr., White Silkie Bantam Sr.
April 23, 2021Olive Egger Pullets, Blue Marans Pullets, California Gray Pullets

It is the perfect time to begin or grow your flock! Be sure you are set up for success by stocking up on all the supplies you need to raise healthy chicks like chick feeders, heat lamps, chick waterers and more, all available at Argyle Feed Store! Be sure to follow us on our Facebook page to stay up to date with all the latest chick delivery information.

Our team is happy to help. Should you have any questions about chick types or anything else, please call us at (940) 241-2444 or stop by our store