Oklahoma Joe Smokers Available

Argyle Feed and Country Store has a new line of Oklahoma Joe Smokers available.  Enjoy classic smoking performance with heavy-duty, high-quality Oklahoma Joe’s Smokers that give you more control over your smoking experience so you can produce delicious results every time.Oklahoma Joe Smokers

Tips from the Pros:

Oklahoma Joe smokers are constructed of high carbon steel and need to be seasoned—much like a cast-iron skillet. Spray a light coat of vegetable oil, Pam®, or peanut oil on the inside of the smoker’s horizontal cooking chamber. Then, burn a very low smoldering fire in the firebox using wood logs or wood chunks for a few hours. The inside of your cooking chamber will begin to have a shiny black coating on the inside, indicating your smoker is well seasoned. Now you’re ready to start smoking!

Be sure to build a big enough fire. Start with 10 lbs. of charcoal and add small logs or wood chunks once the charcoal has begun to ash over. You will need to add additional charcoal and wood to the firebox approximately every two hours.

The biggest mistake most outdoor cookers make is cooking too cool. If the meat you are cooking is tender before you start cooking you will want to cook it as fast as possible to sear the outside and retain moisture. Tougher cuts of meat like Brisket and Pork Shoulder need longer cook time and lower cooking temperature (250º to 275º).

Shop Argyle Feed Store today and treat yourself to a new smoker!


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