Purina Game Bird LayerGame Bird Layena is a game bird feed that is packed with 20% protein, that has been specially formulated to enhance fertility, production and chick vigor. This feed is fortified with calcium which leads to stronger egg shells and a higher survival rate among chicks. Purina Game Bird Layena is a complete feed, which means you do not have to worry about mixing the feed with any supplements or fillers. Birds should start this feed 1 month prior to the start of egg production and continue to be fed Game Bird Layena until they are out of egg production. If you would like to see more details on this feed, including a full nutritional profile, then please click here to view the product page.

Here at Argyle Feed Store, we are committed to making sure you find exactly what you are looking for. If you have any questions about Game Bird Layena or any other products we offer, then please contact us. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.